1. Show Your Audience Your “Reel” Brand Personality with Instagram Reels or TikTok. This would allow for more engagement between me and my customers. It would also give my brand a face, whenever people think about it,
  2. Make New Friends, But Keep The Old: Don’t Leave Long-Form Video Out. This would allow me to bridge out and make more connections while keeping the ones I already have. Networking will let me meet more people with similar passions.
  3. Stories Capabilities Are Not Only Here to Stay, They’re Growing. Allows for more people to see my work, which in turn grows my audience and my brand.
  4. Replace Face-to-Face Time with Screen-to-Screen Time. Interactions between the creator and the customer can really improve interest in the brand, and allow customers to trust and believe in my brand.
  5. Make eCommerce Even Easier: Social Media Becoming a One-Stop Shop. A simple and nice website is they key to holding a customers attention. A simple website would allow them to see all my work easily.
  6. When It Comes to Content Strategy, Knowledge is Power. Knowing the trends and what is currently happening in the world, can be used to boost the attention to your brand.
  7. Just Because You Can Go Text-Heavy on Facebook, Doesn’t Mean You Should.
  8. Keep What’s Behind the Brand and Behind the Screen at the Forefront: People. The customer should be the number one priority. Bettering your website and work for the benefit of the consumer will give your brand a positive reputation.